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The Black Sheep

September 01, 2018 2 min read

The Black Sheep

So you want to be a sheep? Really? Not that we don’t love sheep. We do. After all, where would we be without them? Running around naked in our io without the Merino.

The thing is, if you’re going to be a sheep, at least be the black sheep of the flock. The one who thinks for itself. The one who does things a little bit, or maybe a lot, differently.

At ioMerino, we make clothes for individuals. Independent, free spirited, free thinking, trailblazing individuals. For Outsiders.



We make clothes that will help you stay warm and comfortable, even when you’re way out of your comfort zone. (Usually in places that are neither warm, nor comfortable!) After all, that’s where the magic happens, right?

We could have made ordinary gear, for ordinary people doing ordinary things. But we didn’t. We made uncompromising, high performance Merino wool thermal layers for uncompromising adventurers.



But it’s our passion for wool, our genuine love of nature and the outdoors, and our uncompromising commitment to producing the world’s best outdoor layers, that have turned those natural fibres into materials like literally nothing else on Earth.

And it’s those materials we use to make authentic, ioMerino clothing. Clothing made both ethically and sustainably. Protecting the planet’s precious and spectacular natural environment we love exploring so much.



Yes, we’ve made ioMerino just for you. Because you’re not just like ‘them’. You're an Outsider. Like us.

ioMerino. Premium quality Merino thermal layers. Made from sheep, not for them. (Unless you happen to be a bit of a black sheep, in which case, these are made for you.)


Don't be a sheep. Discover our amazing, lightweight, ultra warm and comfortable layers now.