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Conquering Tokyo & The Rain.

March 28, 2019 3 min read

Conquering Tokyo & The Rain.


We spoke to marathoner Andrea about her recent trip to run the Tokyo Marathon in what turned out to be some very ordinary weather. Or course, she was prepared with her ioMerino so she wasn’t too fazed, but here’s what she had to say about her race, and the rest of her trip to Japan.


Andrea wearing her ioMerino compression leggings and Universal T-shirt 


Which ioMerino did you go with?

Tokyo marathon was probably the toughest of conditions I have experienced for an endurance event.  Cold, wet and windy, but my io gear was great.

I’d always planned to run in my io gear, regardless of the temperate, but just exactly what combination, I wasn’t 100% sure. I usually decide that when I am at the location and closer to the event.

I took my ioMerino racer back tank top, t shirt, arm warmers and compression tights and then my regular running shorts.  

The tank topand shorts were for warmer weather (12 degrees or above), the t shirt, arm warmers and shorts for moderate weather (8-12 degrees) and the new compression tights for 8 degrees or under – which it was!


Andrea Tokyo Marathon ready wearing her Altitude T-shirt, Arm Warmers and Compression Leggings 


What was the weather like on race day?

I knew going over to Tokyo it would be cool to cold weather as the event is held in the first week of Autumn. The day before, was cool and windy but with blue skies and the forecast of rain did not occur till the early hours on the morning of the event.

So at 5.30am when I arrived for breakfast and I knew it was raining and that the rain had set in, my choice of outfit I had ready the night before, compression tights, t shirt and arm warmers was still the go but I then added a spray jacket and poncho – which remained for the entire race.


What’s it like running in the rain?

I had never run in a marathon with such constant rain and cold weather before. Previous marathons I had experienced cold and windy conditions and some rain, but Tokyo was awful.  We were standing in the rain in our corrals waiting for the start for nearly 2 hours before and then the 30 min walk from the finish line to the baggage collection and meet up area. So I was drenched.


Did you ever doubt that your io would keep you warm and comfortable?

Never. Even though the conditions were awful, my outfit was the perfect choice and I was comfortable running the whole way. I did not overheat or get cold, my calves didn’t cramp because the compression was good and they were covered and I had absolutely no chaffing on my body at all. I was impressed - especially as this was the first time I had run in the compression leggings!

I always run in my io gear because regardless of the temperature it is so comfortable. In fact, I also find it comfortable and better to wear in warmer temperatures because it soaks up the sweat, does not chafe and doesn’t stink like synthetic fabrics do.


What about after the race was finished?

My partner and I travelled in Japan for two weeks after the event and we both regularly wore our io tops (tank tops, t shirts or long sleeves) under our big jackets. They are comfortable, do not smell after a day of being worn, and then look presentable when you find a place to sit and have dinner at the end of a day touring around.


What’s next?

I have now completed four of the six marathons to achieve my six star medal with Berlin and London to go.

New York marathon was cold and a head wind for most of the event.

Boston was ridiculously hot and some tough hills.

Chicago was humid and it rained on and off but was a flat course. 

And you know about Tokyo.

It is hard to compare which of these was the worst because they all had really hard climate conditions to deal. My ioMerino never let me down in those events or the ultras and other marathons I have run. Beside the running, my io gear is regularly worn in my gym sessions, Pilates and cycling and as my active wear when we get coffee! It’s on high rotation in the sports drawer!!!